Sunday 31 March 2024 | 11:00-15:00 (4 hours)
Anamorphic Studio, Overtoom 301
€58 incl. BTW | Places are limited. Please sign up for this workshop before 22 March. You can make your registration complete by paying with a bank transfer (please scroll down for further details). Receipts for payment are available.
I will pick you up downstairs in front of the entrance. Please come in time, 5 minutes before 11:00, so we can go up together. I won’t be able to let you in afterwards.
Thank you. Be welcome!
This workshop is open to all levels of experience, with or without previously having taken SRT classes. We’ll be working with principles and practices from SRT in a way that you can dive as deep or superficial as seems appropriate for you that day. Open to those who have not experienced Skinner Releasing Technique before and open to those who like to go deeper into it from where they are with having experienced it. Every time you practice, it can offer new insights and touch or unfold deeper layers. For questions, please contact me through email. Thank you.
Tuning into dance technique and the creative process simultaneously through the use of imagery, designed to enhance expansion and strength with efficiency and ease.
Skinner Releasing Technique (SRT)™ is a visionary approach to dance and movement training, developed by Joan Skinner (1924-2021); a detailed, refined and expansive technique. It is designed to find greater ease in our dancing and dynamic alignment with our environment and a refined tuning with our bodies and imagination. The teaching strongly draws on guided imagery and hands-on partner studies, supporting an experiential understanding of both the technical and the creative process in movement. There is an ongoing fine tuning in allowing ourselves to consciously fall into unknown creative territories. We allow ourselves to be intimately in touch with our inner body as well as align with something greater than ourselves through embodied listening. As we move with imagery that guides us through different layers of the whole self, the imagery can begin to move us. The poetic imagery can atune to physiological layers and includes the mystery of intangible layers present.
Embodied listening, inner spaces, presence, dynamic stillness, softening and allowing are some of the essential areas of practice in Skinner Releasing (other than release), that support action into newness. Softening supports the releasing of strength through efficiency and responsiveness. Allowing encourages listening, to one’s own dancing first. This way we can become more available.
You can read more on this page.
To make your registration complete, you can transfer €58 to the account below and please send me an e-mail to sign up. If you cancel up until 7 days before the workshop, there will be no refund. You will receive a receipt around the first day. If the workshop is cancelled, you will get the full amount return. If you need other ways of payment, please let me know. If you just communicate about it in time, it is usually fine.
Account (please note the different name!):
IBAN: NL47 INGB 000 349 1465
Account name: A.M. Venendaal, Amsterdam, NL